How to mark an organisation as the home organisation (release #40)
Brief description: | You can mark and unmark an existing organisation to become the home organisation for a user from release #40 onwards. | |
Preconditions: | You will need to know the syncID(s) of the hierarchy to become the home organization and this hierarchy must have organization type site or school. | |
Events to set the home organisation: | IMS ES Request | Comments |
createMembership | If you:
| |
deleteMembership | The site will be set as new home organization if the deleted membership was the old home organization. | |
replaceMembership | If you:
| |
Events to get the home organisation: | readMembership | It will only return the home organization extension if the membership is actually the home organization. |
Input parameters: | <extensionField><fieldName> - set to ‘HomeOrganisation’ to (un)mark <extensionField><fieldType> - this field is ignored, but set to ‘bool’ for correctness <extensionField><fieldValue> - set to ‘0’ to unmark or set to ‘1’ to mark. NB! If role of the member = '06' /'Mentor', the extension field will be ignored. | |
Example in itslearning: | Example 1: I want to mark the school with syncID = ‘School2’ as the home organization of user with syncID = ‘User1’. Result: School2 will be the home organization for User1. Example 2: I want to know which organization is the home organization for the user with syncID = ‘User1’. To do this I read all memberships for this person and look for the membership which is marked as the home organisation. Result: School2 is the home organization for User1. | |
Example 1 Request to set the home organisation: | < soapenv :Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:ims = "" xmlns:ims1 = "" xmlns:ims2 = "" xmlns:ims3 = "" > < soapenv :Header> < ims3 :syncRequestHeaderInfo> < ims3 :messageIdentifier>123456789</ ims3 :messageIdentifier> </ ims3 :syncRequestHeaderInfo> </ soapenv :Header> < soapenv :Body> < ims :updateMembershipRequest> < ims :sourcedId> < ims1 :identifier>TestMembership</ ims1 :identifier> </ ims :sourcedId> < ims :membership> < ims2 :groupSourcedId> < ims1 :identifier>School2</ ims1 :identifier> </ ims2 :groupSourcedId> < ims2 :member> < ims2 :memberSourcedId> < ims1 :identifier>User1</ ims1 :identifier> </ ims2 :memberSourcedId> < ims2 :role> < ims2 :roleType>01</ ims2 :roleType> < ims2 :extension> < ims1 :extensionField> < ims1 :fieldName>HomeOrganisation</ ims1 :fieldName> < ims1 :fieldType>bool</ ims1 :fieldType> < ims1 :fieldValue>1</ ims1 :fieldValue> </ ims1 :extensionField> </ ims2 :extension> </ ims2 :role> </ ims2 :member> </ ims :membership> </ ims :updateMembershipRequest> </ soapenv :Body> </ soapenv :Envelope> | |
Example 1 Response: | < s :Envelope xmlns:s = "" xmlns:u = "" > < s :Header> < h :syncResponseHeaderInfo xmlns:h = "" xmlns = "" xmlns:xsi = "" xmlns:xsd = "" > < messageIdentifier >123456789</ messageIdentifier > < statusInfo > < codeMajor >success</ codeMajor > < severity >status</ severity > < messageIdRef >123456789</ messageIdRef > </ statusInfo > </ h :syncResponseHeaderInfo> < o :Security s:mustUnderstand = "1" xmlns:o = "" > < u :Timestamp u:Id = "_0" > < u :Created>2012-11-22T11:20:41.036Z</ u :Created> < u :Expires>2012-11-22T11:25:41.036Z</ u :Expires> </ u :Timestamp> </ o :Security> </ s :Header> < s :Body xmlns:xsi = "" xmlns:xsd = "" > < updateMembershipResponse xmlns = "" /> </ s :Body> </ s :Envelope> | |
Example 1 Comments to request / response to set the home organisation: | Note that the extension node is part of the role. The value of the role you set does not influence wether or not the hierarchy is set as home organisation. | |
Example 2: Request to get organisation type: | < soapenv :Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:ims = "" xmlns:ims1 = "" xmlns:ims3 = "" > < soapenv :Header> < ims3 :syncRequestHeaderInfo> < ims3 :messageIdentifier>123456789</ ims3 :messageIdentifier> </ ims3 :syncRequestHeaderInfo> </ soapenv :Header> < soapenv :Body> < ims :readMembershipsForPersonRequest> < ims :personSourcedId> < ims1 :identifier>User1</ ims1 :identifier> </ ims :personSourcedId> </ ims :readMembershipsForPersonRequest> </ soapenv :Body> </ soapenv :Envelope> | |
Example 2 Response: | < s :Envelope xmlns:s = "" xmlns:u = "" > < s :Header> < h :syncResponseHeaderInfo xmlns:h = "" xmlns = "" xmlns:xsi = "" xmlns:xsd = "" > < messageIdentifier >123456789</ messageIdentifier > < statusInfoSet > < statusInfo > < codeMajor >success</ codeMajor > < severity >status</ severity > < messageIdRef >123456789</ messageIdRef > </ statusInfo > </ statusInfoSet > </ h :syncResponseHeaderInfo> < o :Security s:mustUnderstand = "1" xmlns:o = "" > < u :Timestamp u:Id = "_0" > < u :Created>2012-11-22T11:22:47.335Z</ u :Created> < u :Expires>2012-11-22T11:27:47.335Z</ u :Expires> </ u :Timestamp> </ o :Security> </ s :Header> < s :Body xmlns:xsi = "" xmlns:xsd = "" > < readMembershipsForPersonResponse xmlns = "" > < membershipIDPairSet > < membershipIdPair > < sourcedId > < identifier xmlns = "" >RootMembership</ identifier > </ sourcedId > < membership > < groupSourcedId xmlns = "" > < identifier xmlns = "" >Root</ identifier > </ groupSourcedId > < member xmlns = "" > < memberSourcedId > < identifier xmlns = "" >User1</ identifier > </ memberSourcedId > < role > < roleType >Administrator</ roleType > </ role > </ member > </ membership > </ membershipIdPair > < membershipIdPair > < sourcedId > < identifier xmlns = "" >TestMembership</ identifier > </ sourcedId > < membership > < groupSourcedId xmlns = "" > < identifier xmlns = "" >School2</ identifier > </ groupSourcedId > < member xmlns = "" > < memberSourcedId > < identifier xmlns = "" >User1</ identifier > </ memberSourcedId > < role > < roleType >Administrator</ roleType > < extension > < extensionField xmlns = "" > < fieldName >HomeOrganisation</ fieldName > < fieldType >bool</ fieldType > < fieldValue >1</ fieldValue > </ extensionField > </ extension > </ role > </ member > </ membership > </ membershipIdPair > </ membershipIDPairSet > </ readMembershipsForPersonResponse > </ s :Body> </ s :Envelope> |