On these pages you find API documentation and resources for how to develop extensions and integrate with itslearning.

Content and tool integrations

Are you a tool provider or publisher and are you looking for a way to offer your tool or content in itslearning, while keeping control over who can access it? This page will explain the different ways itslearning can be extended with 3rd party tools or services, using the international standard Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). 

You can make your tool available directly from within itslearning, or add your content to the itslearning Library.

 Learn more about content and tool integration.


Organisation API

Automate workflows by managing courses, content and assessments. Learn more about the API.

The Organisation API is a series of web services designed to move large quantities of user content from external systems to itslearning. The most common use for the API is to “migrate” user data such as files, and course specific data such as IMS Packages, tests, links, assignments from a legacy platform to itslearning.

For the bulk of content this is a one-way migration - once the data is migrated to itslearning it cannot be accessed or amended through the API.

However, for some applications, including timetable, assessment and archival systems, the same API can be used to read from and/or update the data in itslearning; synchronising it over time and keeping it up to date.


Data Warehouse API

The Data Warehouse is an enterprise-level store of data accumulated from a wide range of sources within itslearning. It employs a star-schema layout and optimises key information from itslearning for reporting, data analytics or predictive analytics. The warehouse is updated nightly via an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process. It includes: structural information (organisations, terms, assessment scales, etc.), achievement information (student grades, learning objectives, etc.), activity information (logins, student course visits, time in course) and progress information (time spent viewing resources, resources read, etc.). The Data Warehouse has an API customers to pull the information into their own data warehouse and/or their own reporting tools. This API ultilsies OData and can be accessed by many different desktop and cloud-based BI/reporting tools. Please contact your sales representative/account manager or your local itslearning service team for more information about access to the API. Learn more about the API.


IMS Enterprise Services

Manage users, groups and courses using standardised web services. Learn more about IMS-ES.


IMS Enterprise imports

Manage users, groups and courses using XML file transfers via SFTP. Learn more about IMS-E.


Not IMS E compliant? 
As long as your system can provide an XML file
containing the students, teachers and groups they belong to,
our team of consultants can work wonders.