In order for an extension to support creating and updating of instance through the Organisation API your extension needs to provice a service url implementing Itslearning.Platform.RestApi.Sdk.Common.Services.
Methods that need to be implemented:
Method | Description |
CreateInstance | Creates a new instance of the extension |
GetContentSchema | Returns the schema of the content that can be added using the AddContent method. |
AddContent | Adds content to an instance of the extension previously created using the CreateInstance method. |
UpdateContent | Updates content for the existing extension. |
The parameters provided to the methods:
CreateInstance method takes one parameter CreateInstanceRequest which contains one property Context (see below).
AddContent and UpdateContent methods takes one parameter ManageContentRequest which contains:
Parameter | description |
Context | See below. |
Properties | Common element's properties: Active, AssessmentScale. |
Content | The content as that should be added to the instance as XML string. This should match the content schema as returned by GetContentSchema method. |
AddContent and UpdateContent methods return ManageContentRequest which contains:
Parameter | description |
Warnings | List of warnings got during adding/updating content. |
Parameter | description |
ApiSessionId | The identifier of a valid API session. |
CustomerId | The customer identifier which is using this extension. |
UserId | The identifier of the person who is adding content to this instance. |
UserFirstName | The first name of the person who is adding content to this instance. |
UserLastName | The last name of the person who is adding content to this instance. |
LearningObjectId | The learning object identifier of the associated instance in itslearning |
LearningObjectInstanceId | The learning object instance identifier of the associated instance in itslearning |
AllowedHtmlCodeLevel | The permissions this user has on submitting HTML content. |
Role | The role of the user. |