Creating Memberships

For adding a User to an Hierarchy, a Memberhsip has to be created in IMS-ES. These Memberships can be created with the following functions.


This function creates a Membership in IMS-ES, or in other words adds a User to a Hierarchy in Itslearning. Because Memberships also have an unique identifier, which cannot be found anywhere in the Itslearning UI, there are two ways to generate an identifier: automatically (with the option to also export the generated identifier) or by supplying a custom identifier.



OperationResult CreateMembership(string userSyncKey, string hierarchySyncId, HierarchyRole role);
OperationResult CreateMembership(string userSyncKey, string hierarchySyncId, HierarchyRole role, out string membershipId);
OperationResult CreateMembership(string membershipId, string userSyncKey, string hierarchySyncId, HierarchyRole role);


The User that has to be added to a Hierarchy.


The Hierarchy to which the User should be added.


Role of the User in the Hierarchy.


Either: The generated membership identifier (as out parameter)
or: A custom identifier, given by the user.


The OperationResult containing the warning that Itslearning has send back, or if there was none, null.



  • ImsEsException: If IMS-ES encountered an error in Itslearning, this exception will be thrown.
  • ValidationException: If the generated identifier is too long (more than 255 characters) this exception will be thrown.



This function creates multiple Memberships in IMS-ES. See CreateMembership for more information on the identifiers.



BatchOperationResult CreateMemberships(ICollection<MembershipPair> memberships);
BatchOperationResult CreateMemberships(ICollection<MembershipPair> memberships, out List<string> membershipIds);
BatchOperationResult CreateMemberships(IDictionary<string, MembershipPair> memberships);


Either: An ICollection of MembershipPair objects, containing the User synckey, Hierarchy syncid and the role,
or: An dictionary with the custom identifiers as keys, and the MembershipPair objects as values.


A List with the generated membership identifiers.


A BatchOperationResult with the list of warnings that Itslearning has send back (this list can be empty).



  • ImsEsBatchException: If IMS-ES encountered an error in Itslearning, this exception will be thrown.
  • ValidationException: If one of the generated identifiers is too long (more than 255 characters) this exception will be thrown.