
From August 1st 2019 the ECK-ID is used as unique identifier for students and teachers in the ‘educational content chain’ (ECK). The implementation of the ECK-ID in The Netherlands is organized by Edu-K. This is a private-public body in which LMS providers, distributors, educational publishers, SIS providers, IAM providers, Kennisnet, schools, etc. are represented.

Every student and teacher in primary, secondary and further education in The Netherlands will have an ECK-ID in the near future. The ECK-ID is provided by the government. In school year 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 a hybrid situation will occur. Both the ECK-ID and the currently used ID (NEPRI) will be used in the ECK. After that, the ECK-ID will be used as the unique identifier.


  • Only the following methods can be used to import ECK-iD: createPerson, createPersons, updatePerson, updatePersons.
  • For privacy reasons, the ECK-iD will not fully be shown in the logs. Only the last 6 characters will be visible.
  • ECK-iD is imported as an extension field EckId, see below.

Here an example how to add  ECK-iD in a createPerson request; for the other requests the implementation is similar. The ECK-id shown in example below is a fictional one.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ims="" xmlns:ims1="" xmlns:ims2="" xmlns:ims3="">
<ims3:formatName xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>

In the IMS-ES logs, in “Admin- Manage IMS Enterprise web services” only the last 6 characters of the ECK-id will be shown in the <ims2:fieldValue> tag.


Please get in touch with itslearning support in the Netherlands in case of any questions.