Applications are extensions to the Add page of an itslearning course. They allow users to select or create resources. These resources can for example be added to a plan, but will also appear in various course reports, such as the 360 report. To support a use case like this, commonly the LTI Advantage extension Deep Linking is implemented. Though it is possible to only use LTI 1.3 Core, this does require the tool provider to create a mapping table where the ID for each time the resource has been selected - which will be send each time the tool is launched-  to the selected resource.

In addition, it is possible for a tool to send a status or even result (/score) back to itslearning. This requires the tool provider to implement the LTI Advantage extension Assignment and Grade Services.

Resources with a result can be included in the gradebook. 

You can also use the proprietary ORG API to add your LTI resources to the itslearning Library.

When content is selected or created with your tool, or when a user views a content item, there will be a side panel to the right of the content that allows common itslearning accounts. This actions include:

  • Manually making the content visible or invisible to students, or schedule the visibility of the content;
  • Assigning a deadline*;
  • Tagging the content as homework*;
  • Assigning the content to course groups or individual students (by default it will be assigned to all students in the course);
  • Choose an assessment scale*
  • Choose to hide results and make them all at once visible to students (not that the result can still be visible in your tool, this setting only controls the visibility in itslearning)*.

* These options will only be offered if the tool supports the LTI Advantage extension Assignment and Grade Services.

If your content is not suited for iframing, it can be registered to open in a new tab. But in this case we do we do recommend providing a thumbnail and description as part of the link properties, in case you use the Deeplinking 2.0 extension of LTI Advantage.