We expect expect each tool provider to be responsible for their own license management. There is no functionality offered via itslearning to do this. 

Below there are a couple of license scenarios listed that can be supported when using LTI.

License scenario


Organisation level license

Each time your tool is added from the App library it is possible to generate a unique Deployment ID. The customer can share this Deployment ID with you and you can register it on your end.

Each time content is launched via the tool, the Deployment ID can be used to check if the user should have access. 

Credits on user level

This scenario is an extension to the scenario above. Which each Deployment ID you can register the amount of license credits this customer has purchased. Each unique user (based on the unique ID a user has within the itslearning platform) takes away one credit. 

Activation codes on user level

Each user has a unique ID a user has within the itslearning platform). Keep a registration of these IDs on your end. Each time a unregistered ID tries to access content, ask them to enter an activation code.

Teacher assigns student licenses

This can be a variant on the 2 user level scenarios, where it is the teacher instead of the student that ensures licenses are assigned to the right users. 

This would require the implementation of the LTI Advantage extension Names and Role Provisioning Services.

Predefined licenses on user level

Within the LTI specification it is possible to pass the email address or other custom parameters (please see Personal data and DPA). Taking the email address as an example, you might already the email address on your end as part of your existing license management. If a user accesses your tool via itslearning you can then based on this email address recognize the user and decide if they need access.