As a rule of thumb we always recommend customers to sign a DPA with a tool provider before they make a tool available to teachers or students. Please make sure you have a DPA available.

Within the LTI specification you will always receive a unique ID for a user. For itslearning this is a GUID generated by the platform. This ID is persistent, so the next time the same user accesses your tool you can distinguish if this is a recurring user or not, and it allows you to for example return progress with the LTI Advantage extension Assignment and Grade Services.

If you need more information about a user, the LTI specification also offers the option to receive:

When registering your tool in our App library the personal data that is passed needs to be selected. For anything more than the unique ID make sure you have a clear purpose as described in the GDPR principles.  When a user views the details of your tool from our App library we will automatically show which personal data is passed.